FDA: Vaginal Mesh is a “High Risk” Product


In April 2014, the FDA agreed to re-classify transvaginal mesh from “moderate risk” to “high risk” and increase regulation of the devices. The FDA has received thousands of reports of complications, and more than 67,000 women have turned to legal action to hold the makers of these products accountable.

In a July 2011 report, the FDA said complications from mesh products “can be life-altering,” and pain can persist even if the mesh is surgically removed. That same year, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found women implanted with mesh face a heightened risk of serious side effects, including:

• a 7x greater risk of bladder perforation
• surgical complications
• frequent pain

If you were implanted with transvaginal mesh and suffered injuries, you are entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and your physical and emotional hardship. Please contact attorney Rob Kwok at 713.773.3380 for a free case evaluation.